Rockford has big plans for Library

Rockford Public Library

“Today’s libraries are very much done by communities for themselves…they are a measure of a community’s belief in itself.” – Joe Huberty, AIA

In association with Gary Anderson Architects, Engberg Anderson plans to kick-off the Visioning Process for the future Rockford Public Library in 2018. During this process, the project team will engage the community through public input sessions, gathering information on likes, dislikes, wants and needs. Together, they will explore multiple concepts and trends for their new library.  The result will be a building that was and is designed for the community.

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Engberg Anderson Architects and Libraries
Connecting people to people, staff, outside experts, fellow citizens ― that is the essence of the modern library. These links can be ideas, interaction, content creation, collaboration, education, recreation or inspiration and is fostered by good design. We believe buildings shape behavior. Open, engaging and comfortable buildings with connections to the surrounding neighborhoods increases participation and user satisfaction. Environment and service are connected elements in defining a user’s library experience.